Need to belong to a community - Bisogno di comunità

Bisogno di comunità vs. bisogno di libertà
Community rules: what is offered and what is required
Choice of community
Community distinctive forms
Group membership
The super-ego question: what have you done lately?
Community roles and hierachies
Hiding one's need for affection
Freedom vs. Belonging
Have you disregarded the community?
Conformity, conformism
Maslow's pyramid
Solitude viewed as anti-social
Fear of disclosing one's personality, habits, experiences
Have you done or thought something against the community?
Abraham Maslow
Doing things one can disclose
Guilt feelings on excessive privacy or solitude
Hiding/disclosing one's habits
Unconsciuous community tribunal, self-censorship
A powerful, fundamental, and extremely pervasive motivation
Anguish, fear of exclusion
Belongingness (Wikipedia)
Conditions for acceptance, examinations
Emotions related to belongingness
Fear of solitude
Feasts (religious and civil)
Fundamental psychological motivation
Human differences
In the past belonging to a group was essential to survival.
Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal, interactive behaviour
Intrinsic motivation to affiliate with others and be socially accepted
Loyalty to the group
Maintenance and cohesion of groups
Major source of human motivation
Morality, ethics
Need for "strong, stable relationships with other people
Need for approval
Need for belonging vs. need for self-actualisation
Need for recognition
Need to give and receive affection from others
Organization rites
Participating in public events
Faking normal
Rituals of belonging
Personality types
Privacy vs. Openness
Pro-belonging and anti-belonging acts
Religion as way of belonging
Rites of inclusion, belonging, acceptance, recognition
Role performance
Role proposition
Social selection
Success, popularity
Unconscious drive to belonging